Reversible Shift Register

This Instruction when the execution condition of the shift input bit (bit 14 of C) changes to ON, all the data from ST to E is moved in the designated shift direction (designated by bit 12 of C) by 1 bit, and the ON/OFF status of the data input is placed in the rightmost or leftmost bit. The bit data shifted out of the shift register is placed in the Carry Flag (CY).

C:Control word:

The data in the shift register will be shifted one bit in the direction indicated by bit 12, shifting one bit out to CY and the status of bit 13 into the other end whenever SFTR(084) is executed with an ON execution condition as long as the reset bit is OFF and as long as bit 14 is ON. If SFTR(084) is executed with an OFF execution condition or if SFTR(084) is executed with bit 14 OFF, the shift register will remain unchanged. If SFTR(084) is executed with an ON execution condition and the reset bit (bit 15) is OFF, the entire shift register and CY will be set to zero.

Example for use SFTR

This sample we will shift data in word number 20 by use word 35
for control 

All way on bite 0.02 and On-Off control bite 0.04 now bite will shift
bite 0.00 for shose the way shift right or shift left

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